Sunday, July 26, 2009

Munggo Guisado

I like munggo, but my husband doesn't. I still have some lentils left so I will try this recipe from 80 Breakfasts with lentils.

240 grams munggo
4 cups of water
4 – 5 cloves of garlic, peeled and sliced
1 onion, chopped
2 small (native…well, to here at least) tomatoes, chopped
200 grams (approximately, I used ½ of the fish) boneless tinapang (smoked) bangus (milkfish), broken into pieces
1 cup malunggay (moringa) leaves
canola oil
salt / patis (fish sauce)

Clean the munggo by dunking the beans in a bowl of tap water and skimming off the “floaters”.
Place munggo in a pot with the 4 cups of water and cook on low heat until soft around an hour, more or less).
Once beans are done, start with your guisa (sauté).
Heat some oil in a large pan (large enough to fit all your cooked and softened munggo).
Sauté garlic, onions, and tomatoes until slightly soft.
Add tinapang bangus, toss, and heat through.
Add cooked munggo and stir.
After you have given it a moment for the flavors to blend, add salt or patis to taste.
Add malunggay leaves, give it a few stirs (they’ll cook fast), and you’re done.

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